Monday, November 27, 2006

Serbia #5 "Joy of Europe":

They issued this topic every year, starting from 1969, and Belgrade is host to european children from first till sixt of October.

FDC is showing some dravings by children, and on this one I can say, is one nice attempt to promote our young population and that what need to be worldvide.

Issued on 29 Sept. 2006, with two stamps, and what I noticed, it is in face value JUST in Serbian dinars.

Before they issued value in local currency together with value in euros, now they use just local currency - this have some message, I understand it like "slowing speed" with EU propaganda, and more concentrating on domestic money.

Again artis is M. Kalezic.

Serbia #4 "Museum exhibit - Bridal Jewelry in Serbia":

Really nice project, and visible "fresh idea" by artist, who is this time someone "new" on "market" (N. Skochajich - Belgrade).

Four value in set, in local currency, great design, and I think - worth to invest in sheetlets.

Again, issued in sheetlet of 5 set + tab on middle vertical row, which give for every set different tab.

Not common - but worth. Every sheetlet has own number on selvage.

Issued on 30 Oct. 2006.

Serbia #7 "Stamp Day":

That commemorate first stamp of Serbia (23 May 1863 day that was decided to issue stamp).

This (picture) issue will come to topic "Stamp on Stamp", and date of issue is 24 Oct. 2006.
FDC is simple but nice design, and stamp alone is one poor reproduction of first stamp of Serbia.
Artist M. Kalezic.
Interesting is just, that this time Serbian Post decided to print it in sheetlet of 8 but without tab on middle of sheetlet, instead, they choice to use "Israeli" style, with every stamp with own tab.

Serbia #6 "Water polo" topic.

Issued to commemorate European championship in water polo, where Serbia got first place (gold medal) - first by independent state Serbia.
Again issued in sheetlet of 8+tab on middle sheet, numerated on salvage.
Issued on 13 Sept. 2006, artist like usually M. Kalezic.
FDC is nice design, but stamp alone is missing quality to math this kind of success.

Serbia Modern #8 and samples of Red Cross:

Here we have one single issue from "Monastery" topic, that Serbia issued for common use, it is small size, small face value of 8 dinar, for use in domestic transport.

Pictured on is Monastir Zicha, but design is low quality.

Near this issue, You can see four different issue of postage due stamp, for Red Cross week, Against AIDS, Childrens week and Solidarity week.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Serbia (German Occ.) Michel #82-85,
Scott #2NB19-22,
SFK #684-687.

I think that we need to talk about this issue, because reason that they issued it, is so human, that many countries need to learn from it.

Let's start from beginning.
Issued on 13 Sept. 1942, middle of WWII, country destroyed, bombed, industry on zero activity, most Serbian population eliminated (killed) by German Occupation army - and Serbian decided to help poor and war orphans.
Set have 4 value, with "Mother and Child" pictured, author is Vladimir Guljevic, and printed in Belgrade Gov't offset printing plant, quantity is 52 000 sets, in printing sheet of 16 (4x4 set).

Part of quantity printed, have graver initials on some of stamp, that make difference in valuing this issue.

Like all other issue from this period, this issue is also vulnerable to rust, and damage by glue, paper quality, and war period, and to find sheetlet of 16 is also hard task, especially if it is
52 000 set printed, that mean just 13 000 sheetlet existed at issue day.

What say catalog for this issue. Michel just stated that existed sheetlets, but no value for it. If to value it according set - it will be 4x40 euros will give prices for 160.00 euros for sheetlet, in mint, nh, condition. Scott value it (set) 26.00 $, mean over 100.00$ for sheetlet, and SFK catalog have more specific prices, because they value also with and without graver's initials.
For standard set, SFK catalog have value of 12.00 euros, set in block of four go to 16.00 euros, with graver's initials set will reach 52.00 euros.

In case that you have it on used cover - it is bonanza - original cancel will give You 680.00 euros for complete set. Just for info - I didn't saw it in my life, maybe (because I'm young) till end - I will find it.

Let's see what market will say?

Searching for sheetlet will take "dentist" patience, if someone have it in collection, hardly will sell it separately, and if it will pop-up somewhere on auction, it will reach more than 150.00 euros per sheetlet, but - if You have lucky, and find direct sale, or You have Your dealer - it will cost You somewhere around 120.00 euro for sheetlet of 16 stamp (4 set).

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Serbia (German Occ.) Michel #Block1 and 2 FDC, Scott #2NB5 and 6:

This is one fascinating item that I must show here!
So nice, so great design and intention.
Issued in 22 Sept 1941, to help reconstruction and victim of Smederevo town blast.
Blast was in Germans Occupied forces amunition warehouse, that caused total destruction of city.
Issued two s/s, one perforated and second imperforated, in 22 000 pieces each!
So small quantity printed, that can hardly meet collectors needs. Can be included in castle/fortrees, WWII, German areas, topics.

Because of small quantity available, some people made some fake cancelation, to reach prices, that say (for perforated and imperforated separately):

Michel catalog value for FDC is 750.00 euros,
SFK catalog valued it same in 750.00 euros,
Scott have it on 300.00 $ for used set of each s/s.

Not small investment for collectors who usually need booth of them, and that will cost 1500.00 euros catalog value.
What will market say about this prices? I have really hard work and lot of time (more than 2 year) till I obtained both FDC. And in SFK and Michel catalog is warning for fake cancels, that mean more risk to obrtain one classic material, but - when I received it - it was really satisfaction.
Yes - I don't pay full catalog value, but for 1000.00 euros You can find one set of this block in good condition, but without certificate.
Because that I warn all collectors to buy it just from trusted dealer, and if possible, to invest in certificate.
On FDC that is on display You can see cancel from FD issue + set that someone used on the first day issue, I think for intention just to keep it in good condition, because to save it in mint, nh, condition, for long period, was impossible mission.
It is printed on common paper, little bit heavy, in Government Printing Plant Belgrade, gummed yellow/bright, but glue from this period was "killer" for this material. In most cases, You will find it rusted, and with damaged glue.
If to someone was offered this s/s in mint, nh, best condition ('like new") I will suggest to everyone - reject offer, and ask about certificate.